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Anzac Day

Anzac  Day is one of Australia’s most important national commemorative occasions. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. It is the solemn and national day of remembrance of those Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers who fought and died for their country.

SAS marching on Anzac Day in Sydney
SAS marching on Anzac Day in Sydney

When is Anzac Day?
Anzac Day falls on the 25th of April each year. The 25th of April was officially named Anzac Day in 1916.

Australian Military Intelligence marching on Anzac Day in Sydney.
Australian Military Intelligence marching on Anzac Day in Sydney.

What does ‘ANZAC’ stand for?
‘ANZAC’ stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

On the 25th of April 1915, Australian and New Zealand soldiers formed part of the allied expedition that set out to capture the Gallipoli Peninsula. These became known as Anzacs and that name continues to this day.

What does Anzac Day mean today?
Today Anzac Day also serves to commemorate the lives of Australian soldiers who died in Second World War as well as all Australians who died in military operations like Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Afghanistan and all recent military operations.

Australian Commandos marching on Anzac Day in Sydney New South Wales
Australian Commandos marching on Anzac Day in Sydney, New South Wales.
Public Holidays in Australia (National)
New Year’s Day
Australia Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Anzac Day
Christmas Day
Boxing Day